The Bail Bonds Process
Here at Breaking Bad Bail Bonds bail bonds, we offer a 24/7 bail service to help you or your loved one post the bail they need to be able to mount a vigorous defense against the crime they have been charged with. We offer standard bail rates, such as 10% upfront fee with collateral requirements. Beyond that we make it a point not to include any tacked on or hidden fees.
To start the bail bonds process, you should contact one of our bail agents at 888-767-8224 . They can start you on the necessary paperwork required to get your friend or loved one released. During this time the courts will assess the accused person’s flight risk and assign a bail amount applicable to the crime.
Once all of the financial arrangement have been covered, the bail agent can post the bail and the accused can be released from jail. This can usually all be done in less than a day, depending on the speed of the court and the number of bail petitions being filed that day.
If you have a friend or loved one that has recently been arrested or charged with a crime, and you would like to learn more about how they can be bailed out, please call Breaking Bad Bail Bonds at 888-767-8224 to set up a meeting.