An Overview of the Bail Bonds Process
The Constitution of the United States of America recognizes a person’s right to bail as a fundamental right. While the technical details and paperwork of how bail works has changed over the years and can vary a little bit from state to state, the basic principles remain the same.
Bail is essentially a financial deposit made for the accused to be released from jail during the period leading up to their trail. It’s not uncommon for the accused person to have the requisite funds available. In a situation like this a bail bondsman can assists the process, for a nominal fee.
After being arrested a judge will determine the amount of bail required to allow your release. You will need a reliable friend or family member to contact a bail bondsman to start the process. This person will fill out the bail bond agreement and pay the appropriate fee to the bail bondsman.
They will then accompany a bail agent to the jail where the bond is posted. As the defendant you will also have to sign the bail agreement promising to return to court at the appointed time. You can then be released from jail and you can begin the process of preparing the defense for your case.
If you or a loved one has recently been arrested and you are interested in posting bail, please call us at 888-767-8224 to schedule an appointment to explore your options.